Meg O'Sullivan


A juiced-up 2 hour online Masterclass for women ready to REMEMBER & RECLAIM the power of their sexual energy!


This is for you if you’re tired of…

  • Believing that you’re one-dimensional

  • Feeling shame around your body/ sensuality/ sexuality

  • Being a "good girl" & keeping others comfortable

  • Feeling disconnected from your WILD WOMAN

  • Suppressing your desires

  • Not being able to feel turned on & enjoy sex

This is for you if you’re ready to… 

  • Explore the parts of you the world taught you to hide/ suppress/ be ashamed of (Aka. Your Inner Slut!)

  • Come face to face with the stories you carry around your sexuality sensuality

  • Release shame & guilt around pleasure & reclaim this as your birthright

  • Say goodbye to your ‘good girl’ & liberate your WILD WOMAN

  • Witness & be witnessed by a community of women also on the journey of UNCAGE-ING their inner sex Goddess!

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The world’s told us there’s only two tyPes of women…


The one you’d ‘wife’ & the one you’d ‘fuck’.

And as women we’ve been told we’ve gotta choose.

Which one do we wanna be?

The Homemaker or the Whore?
The one who makes banana bread or the one who gives blow jobs?

And so often, we’ve chosen the ‘good girl’. (cause let’s be honest, that’s the safest option)
We’ve chosen to walk the path of keeping others comfy & playing by society’s rules.

But, beautiful woman, we’ve been lied to!!!
And this lie has been slowly sucking the life out of us.

The truth is…


In fact, if you want to feel ALIVE & lead a thriving existence - you’ve gotta be both!
The Slut is just as much a part of you as the ‘good girl’.
When you uncage her, you LIBERATE YOURSELF!




NOTE: This Masterclass has already run Live. You will receive the recording!

This Masterclass is a safe space for you to explore & express the parts of you the world has taught you to hide or push down.

A safe space for you to uncage & reacquaint yourself with the WILD WOMAN within.

It will include teaching, story telling & a transformative guided embodiment practice. In this practice, you’ll be invited to use breath, sound & movement to uncage the WILD WOMAN within & circulate your sexual energy throughout your body.

What you’ll receive:

  • Foreplay Workbook: You will be given powerful journal prompts to sit with before watching the Recored Masterclass. These will support you to look at the stories & programs you currently carry around your sexuality & being a woman.

  • 2 Hour Masterclass Recording

  • Integration Guide: Including Embodiment Practices & epically curated sensuality playlists to support you (post Masterclass) on your journey to anchoring your WILD WOMAN into your daily life.


Why work with me?

I help women experience hot sex, deep intimacy & lasting love (with themselves & others!).

I help ‘good girls’ own their WILD so they can reclaim their POWER & take up the space they’re here to inhabit.

I’m really good at what I do because I’ve been on this journey too.

I used to be a people-pleasing-straight-A-good-girl who went red in the face when any conversation moved towards sex or pleasure.

I used to feel so much shame around my body, my pleasure, my desires.

I used to push down sooooo many parts of me to keep others comfortable.

In my late teens & early 20’s, I experienced depression, disordered eating & one very disastrous relationship. Which now I realise was all a CRY from my Wild Woman. She was sick of being caged!

The last 7 years I’ve been on a journey of deeeeeep growth.
It started with food. Then yoga. Then plant medicine. Then… my sexuality!

And there’s been NOTHING so life-changing than exploring my saucy, sex-ed up, sensual side!

Today, the woman I am & life I lead (alongside my man, Jacob) kinda blows my mind.

It’s dripping in pleasure, sensuality, connection, play, love, intimacy, abundance & authenticity. It blows my mind cause I sure as shit wasn’t told this was an option growing up. And I sure as shit wasn’t living this kinda life 8 years ago.

So, sister, I know what it takes to shimmy out of society’s rules & create your own.

I know how it feels say ‘good bye’ to my ‘good girl’ & remember my WILD WOMAN.

And I’m here to help you as your take this journey too.

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